Theme | Fueling the 6G Flight |
Date | 2022, Nov, 1st~2rd |
Venue | HOTEL SAMJUNG (Virtual Event) |
Host | |
Organizer |
< DAY 1 > November, 1st, 2022 | |||||
Session 1: National 6G Status (Government) Moderator: LEE, HyeonWoo (Dankook Univ.) |
09:30~09:50 | 20min | Korean 6G R&D Status | SHIM, Kyu-Yol (MSIT) |
09:50~10:10 | 20min | FCC Perspective on Paving the Way for 6G and Beyond | Nese Guendelsberger (FCC) |
10:10~10:30 | 20min | 6G Policy in Europe | Dr. Peter STUCKMANN (EC, DG CONNECT) |
10:30~10:50 | 20min | China | TBC (MIIT) |
10:50~11:10 | 20min | The R&D strategy policy for “Beyond 5G” in Japan | Dr. MUNEMASA, Yasushi (MIC) |
11:10~11:30 | 20min | U.K. | Simon Fletcher (UK5G) |
11:30~11:50 | 20min | Germany | Hans Schotten (DFKI) |
11:50~12:10 | 20min | 6G Status in Finland | Janne Jarvinen (Finland) |
12:10~13:30 | 80min | Luncheon | |||
Opening Session Moderator: KIM, IlGyu(ETRI) |
13:30~13:35 | 5min | Introduction of participants | MC | ||
13:35~13:40 | 5min | Opening Address | Chair, 5G Forum | ||
13:40~13:45 | 5min | Welcome Speech | Vice-Minister of MSIT | ||
13:45~13:50 | 5min | Speech of Congratulation | Chair, 6G Global Steering Committee | ||
Event Session | |||||
13:50~14:10 | 20min | 5G Forum - 6G-IA MoU Ceremony | Chair, 5G Forum Chair, 6G-IA | ||
14:10~14:30 | 20min | 5G/6G Merit Awards Ceremony by MSIT | MSIT | ||
Invited Talk 1 : 6G Prospect & Plan Moderator: HWANG, Seung-Hoon (Dongguk Univ.) |
14:30~14:50 | 20min | SK Telecom’s View on Beyond 5G and 6G Evolution | YU, Takki (SKT) |
14:50~15:10 | 20min | A perspective of 6G evolution: changing the momentum from technology to environment | KIM, Seongkwan (KT) |
15:10~15:30 | 20min | 6G Vision and Enabling Technologies | LEE, Sangheon (LGU+) |
15:30~15:50 | 20min | Technologies for the next hyper connected experience for all in 6G | Dr. KWON, Eddy (Samsung) |
15:50~16:10 | 20min | Road to Hyper-Convergence World - 6G Vision and R&D Activities | Dr. CHUNG, Jaehoon (LGE) |
16:10~16:20 | 10min | Break Time | |||
Invited Talk 2 : 6G Prospect & Plan Moderator: KIM, Jae-Hyun (Ajou Univ.) |
16:20~16:40 | 20min | Driving 5G Advanced evolution on the path to 6G | Lorenzo Casaccia (Qualcomm) |
16:40~17:00 | 20min | Sensing the world for digital twins in 6G | Dr. Thorsten Wild (Nokia) |
17:00~17:20 | 20min | The journey towards 6G, connecting the cyber-physical world | Patrik Persson (Ericsson) |
17:20~17:40 | 20min | 6G to enable Massive Consumer Robotics | Dr. Wen Tong (Huawei) |
Panel Discussion Moderator: CHANG, KyungHi (Inha Univ.) |
17:40~18:20 | 40min | Panel Discussion Topic : 5G Lessons for 6G R&D | Samsung, LG, LGU+, SKT, KT, Academia/Institution | ||
18:20~18:30 | 10min | Day 1 Wrap-up |
< DAY 2 > November, 2nd, 2022 | |||||
Keynote Session Moderator: KOO, KyoungCheol(TTA) |
10:30~10:55 | 25min | 6G Research in Europe | Dr. Colin WILLCOCK (Chair, 6G-IA) |
10:55~11:20 | 25min | User-centric RAN with CF-mMIMO for 6G | Dr. KONISHI, Satoshi (KDDI) |
11:20~11:45 | 25min | MediaTek 6G Vision – Simplexity, Optimization, Convergence | FU, I-Kang (MediaTek) |
11:45~13:10 | 75min | Luncheon | |||
Session 2: 6G Technology I / Moderator: KO, YongJo(ETRI) | |||||
13:10~13:30 | 20min | Synchronization under HW impairments in over-6GHz wireless communication systems | CHANG, Kapseok (ETRI) |
13:30~13:50 | 20min | Global Efforts on 6G Development | Dr. Mitch TSENG (ITRI) |
13:50~14:10 | 20min | NICT’s R&D and Promotion Activities on the Testbed Environment Evolved toward B5G/6G Cyber-Physical Harmonization | Dr. KOJIMA, Fumihide (NICT) |
14:10~14:30 | 20min | Current 6G research tracks in Germany and Europe | Dr. Thomas HAUSTEIN (HHI) |
14:30~14:50 | 20min | 6G Networks: Beyond Shannon Towards Semantic Communication based AI Native Networking and Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Assisted Communications |
14:50~15:10 | 20min | Universal, Ubiquitous, Unlimited | CHAE, Jongdae (KT SAT) |
15:10~15:30 | 20min | Terrestrial meets non-terrestrial networks: a real-world example & a glimpse at the future | Ben Allen (Oneweb) |
15:30~15:40 | 10min | Break Time | |||
Session 3: 6G Technology II Moderator: KIM, KwangSoon(Yonsei Univ.) | |||||
15:40~16:00 | 20min | Introduction of the Future Technology Trends report by ITU-R | Prof. OH, Seong-Jun (Korea Univ.) |
16:00~16:20 | 20min | Future Communication R&D Program in Singapore | Prof. Tony Q.S. Quek (SUTD) |
16:20~16:40 | 20min | From non-public private 5G networks towards local 6G connectivity | Prof. Matti LATVA-AHO (OULU univ.) |
16:40~17:00 | 20min | AI-assisted air interface: Decentralized approach | Prof. LEE, Inkyu (Korea Univ.) |
17:00~17:20 | 20min | 6G Semantic MAC for Long-range URLLC | Prof. KIM, Seong-Lyun (Yonsei Univ.) |
17:20~17:40 | 20min | Integrated sensing, localization, and communication for 6G | Prof. KIM, Sunwoo (Hanyang Univ.) |
17:40~18:00 | 20min | 6G MIMO | Prof. CHAE, Chan-Byoung (Yonsei Univ.) |
18:00~18:10 | 10min | Day 2 Wrap-up |