

Kick-off Meeting of Spectrum Sub-committee under 6G R&D Strategy Committee

6G R&D Strategy Committee 2021-12-03 #6G R&D Strategy Committee #Spectrum

Kick-off meeting of Spectrum Sub-committee under 6G R&D Strategy Committee and Frequency Committee was held. Agendas were Sub-committee operating guidelines and identification of additional R&D demand.


<Meeting overview>

- Date : 14:00 ~ 16:00, Nov. 18th ’21

- Meeting type : online

- Participants : 10 Sub-committee members including head of Sub-committee

- Outcome : identification of additional R&D demand, etc.

 1. Background : several 6G items were dropped from the government’s (IITP) 6G core technology development initiative and research scope was also adjusted down due to budget cut and operational issues(8 years 6 years)

 2. Additional R&D requirements can be delivered when planning “technology development initiatives for broadcasting and communication industry” in the future upon identifying and proposing new R&D items.