

B5G Consortium(Japan) and 6G Flagship(Finland) sign MoU

Japan 2021-11-02 #MoU #B5GC #6Gflagship

In April, Japan’s B5G Consortium and Finland’s 6G Flagship, which represent each country’s 6G research, signed a MOU at the Global Digital Summit 2021. This is part of the partnership announced during US-Japan summit talks. Based on the partnership, the two parties will closely work together in quickly introducing 6G, talent exchanges and joint 6G technology development, thereby commercialize 6G in 2030.

Japan launched ‘6G Research Society’ last year led by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and later established key execution strategies for ‘Beyond 5G’. Japan’s major communication service providers like NTT Dokomo, KDDI, Softbank and Tokyo University will join the related consortium with the goal to commercialize 6G technology in 2030. Japan also set the vision to occupy 10% in global 6G patent market share and 30% in global equipment and software market share.